Telehealth at think.grow.connect:
The clinical support offered by think.grow.connect to our clients is highly confidential. all consultations should be held in private between the client and clinician only.
Telehealth appointments allow clients to access services from remote locations via video call (think.grow.connect are currently using Zoom Cloud Meetings).
What you will need for a Telehealth consultation:
A reliable internet connection
Headphones (for privacy)
A device such as a laptop, computer, tablet/Ipad or smartphone
Webcam, speakers and a microphone (usually built into most devices)
An up to date web browser (Google Chrome works best, however Safari and Firefox will also work)
Access to emails on your device
How do I join my Telehealth consultation?
For ease of access, we suggest clients download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app prior to their appointment time. This is to ensure your program is up and running at the time of the appointment.
To join into your Zoom video call, your clinician will email an invitation to your nominated email address. Within this email you will see a meeting ID and password. You can join the meeting by clicking into the link in your invitation or manually entering the meeting ID and password into your Zoom Cloud Meeting app/website.
When entering the call, please ensure you enable your microphone, speaker and camera.
If your clinician is not ready for you, you will see ‘Waiting for host to start the meeting’ on your screen. Once your clinician joins the call, your session should start automatically.
If you are experiencing any issues joining your Zoom call, please contact think.grow.connect and we will do our best to assist you.
Privacy during Telehealth consultations:
Please be mindful of the following things before an upcoming video call with think.grow.connect,
Our clinicians take privacy very seriously, and all consultations provided over Telehealth will be conducted in a private room behind closed doors. This is to ensure that your conversation remains private and confidential.
Clinicians will ensure they are not disturbed during the course of your Telehealth consultation.
If you have something you would like to discuss in private with your clinician, please ensure you are in a location where bystanders or other family member cannot hear your conversation.
As the session will be taking place from your home, please be mindful of your background during any video calls as it will be visible to the clinician.
We suggest you find a location that is quiet and away from any distractions while the call takes place.
Telehealth and medicare:
Medicare have provided COVID-19 item numbers that are available to clients with a valid Mental Health Plan (if seeing a Medicare registered clinician). These item numbers are effective until the 31st of March 2021. The fee structure for these item numbers involves payment on the day, and a Medicare rebate provided within 48 hours.
think.grow.connect are able to offer Telehealth consultations ongoing, however once COVID-19 item numbers cease Medicare’s Telehealth requirements state that clients must be a minimum of 15kms away from the clinic at the time of the consultation.